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We Love Radio
If you love radio like we do as a SWL – Have you ever wanted to not just hear and decode digital modes but actually interact and be seen globally for tracking signals & be able to send QSL cards to the operators you decoded and have them confirm & reply to you? Did you ever think you could also earn awards just for building up your list of Ham operators you made contact with? If earning awards for DX contacts & working on great SWL projects like LORA technology / Meshtastic Comms off grid – Low Earth Orbit Satellite tracking station where you send and receive data from satellites around the world and track them in real time! Or if your into aviation and would love to build your own Air Traffic Observation Tower where you can listen to pilots & real time track air traffic & see information like Destination – speed – altitude – type of plane and more without using the internet!! This is what we call Shortwave 2.0 The Game Has Changed and we are challenging it every day – Tech has finally caught up to radio! Come check us out click more info.
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