SLWQSL Zello Channel

Live Now! (Scan QR Code Below)
SWLQSL.Com is always looking at ways to make being part of our shortwave community fun and exciting. We now have a private Facebook group SWLQSL on FB check it out. Our next move was to give SWL’s a home to talk about shortwave and meet new people around the world.
NOTE: Some SWL’s Don’t Care About Getting A HAM License – This Is Why We Started This Channel Is So When You Want To Chat With Like Minded People You Can! No Monthly Fee’s or No Expensive Gear – No License Needed – FREE Call Sign Available!!
We are into radio!! So that means HAM radio / CB / MW LW / Shortwave / AM FM you name it and we love chatting with people about Antenna’s – SKIP – DX and everything in between. So we launched our own ZELLO channel that can be accessed:
- Via Zello FREE APP
- Via Zello phones and walkie talkies
Zello is the leading push-to-talk voice messaging app for teams and businesses worldwide, turning iOS, Android, and Windows devices into walkie-talkies that also record messages, track location, and send emergency alerts & images globally. You can think of a Zello channel as a hyped-up CB radio channel. It allows you to communicate with other people, up to 5000 at a time.

We have created a channel linked with our website and social media where verified SWL’ers can come together globally and chat about shortwave & Radio in general – CB – HAM – GMRS – Shortwave – and digital communications. There are also some really cool ways to access and use the service; However You Must Have A SWL Call Sign Or A Hamsphere – CB or GMRS Call Sign (See below how to get set up FREE)

#1 Download The FREE Zello App
#2 Call sign needed so if you don’t have one get one FREE here takes 10 days or so – HAM & GMRS can use their call signs here. (We verify before we give access). So the 4 types of call signs accepted here are #1 SWL #2 HAM #3 GMRS #4 ClusterDX (CB Radio Call Sign Registered Members Only) –
#3 Request Access to channel – Make your Username your Call sign with – and first name example: CJ – WRYG735 Scan QR Code to get to channel below: Or Look in Zello Directory for
#4 A Moderator will add you and give you permissions to transmit & take part in conversations * Follow Code Of Conduct Please:

- Your call sign & Your First Name Only – needed to join.
- Call sign is to be used at the beginning and end of your conversation – HAM Radio Rules Of Engagement Followed!
- Offensive user names, profiles or images are Not allowed. You will get Banned
- Be kind and courteous to others – No Bad Language
- Try to be mindful of others when chatting – Leave a break or ask if anyone listening wants to join in. After 2 minutes of conversation others can cut in to let you know that they are standing by.
- Use the Echo service in Your Contacts to test/set up Your audio.
- No Selling or Spamming Members
- All transmissions must be in English
- All users MUST operate within the Zello Terms of Service and Community Guidelines at all times.
- Try to keep the chat friendly and as much radio talk as possible because non-members can listen but they cannot talk or chime in, who knows you may teach someone something new & meet new friends!
- NOTE: Make sure your call sign is right as we may check on it… Would be nice to know we have real radio people and not people that bend the rules – We can look up your SWL / GMRS / Hamsphere /Ham radio call signs easily.