Our First International SWL DX Award!
Stay tuned SWLQSL.Com will be releasing our first award for SLW’s. We know how fun and challenging the hobby can be so we wanted to start coming up with some really cool and achievable awards that everyone can participate in no matter where you are in the world.
The award is the SWLQSL International DX Award. This award will be challenging but rewarding at the same time. As this is a totally new award and we are new, the SWLQSL team will be competing just like everyone joining us. So everyone joining SWLQSL will be part of our original members helping us launch this really cool project in 2023.

We are calling this a Wall Of Fame Award because it will be tough to do but you will be in SWLQSL history for life on our new Wall Of Fame page that we will launch soon and promote. The Page will be blank until we start getting people that qualify for the award. Like we said even CJ and his team will be in the same boat as everyone else so it will be fun!
We will release the rules and conditions right after NYE 2023 so that everyone starts the New Year out together. Winners Will Receive:
- A place on SWLQSL Wall Of Fame Page!
- Numbered Certificate Award – Certificate Numbers will reflect your place on the board and rank!
- $1000 TravNow VIP Hotel & Resort Membership
This will be a really exciting and fun award. It will take some time to complete and will not be done overnight! But for those willing to put in the effort the bragging rights will be second to none! This is our first official Award and we will be doing more as we grow. So being with us while we are new will be a big advantage for all of our members. This will be an international award so there are no limits to any particular country or state. Stay Tuned As We Will Release More Information Real Soon! Get Ready To Take Your Place In SWL History With Us!
Heads Up!

You will be required to have an SWARL Call Sign Or A HAM Or GMRS– You can apply the SWARL call sign FREE at www.swarl.org This will be used to identify you in the contest. We will explain more later – you will receive a nice Certificate and it takes about 3 weeks. So get ahead of the game by getting your SWARL Call Sign Now! This Award Is Only For SWL’s Not HAMs – Unless They Register Like SWL’s
ALSO – **Only Lifetime Members Of SWLQSL.Com Can Participate In This Award!** So Join us today and be ready for the launch of the award…..