USE GMRS Repeaters Like EchoLink For HAMs
Ok this is for people that love radio & not looking to get a HAM license – want something other than CB an alternative that can satisfy the radio itch. We found something that is really catching on GMRS Repeaters set up with the capabilities like Echo Link for GMRS operators where you can:
1. Chat Globally
2. Chat across the USA
3. No expensive equipment needed
4. You can connect online line and by real radio depending on your location & repeater access.
Ok what are we talking about well HAM operators use Echo link to talk over the internet via repeaters all over the world. Now GMRS Repeater owners are doing the same and using ZELLO as the Gateway. Anyone can listen in on these repeaters but to talk you must have a GMRS License.
If you live in the USA this is easy – well navigating the FCC website is a bit of a pain but once you get the right form simply fill in all relevant information and pay the fee and in a few days you should receive an email with your new GMRS Call sign ($35 for 10 years) not bad. If you are a US Citizen living outside the USA you can also apply and use your family address and phone number (They Do Check) – you will receive your call sign by email as well.
We are currently looking into how non US citizens can apply for GMRS license – because most of the repeaters linked GMRS ** They will not let you on without a GMRS license and the email you use to register your license is the one they will reply to once your approved. * Some will have you fill in a form then after they look you up add you to their system.
NOTE: As of 16th August 2023 we are waiting on reply from the FCC for non US citizens applying for GMRS – we feel there must be a way because on the FCC website it says: Anyone using GMRS frequencies must have a GMRS license.
Things to know about some of the repeaters:
1. Always come on with your call sign – if people are saying them phonetically then say yours that way sample WA first letters say Whiskey Alpha – if they are not then just call your letters WA and your numbers.
2. Remember this is not HAM – Just people checking in with others talk normal.
3. Know the rules of the channel – if they don’t want people talking about red puppies then don’t talk about red puppies! Some people that may not own the repeater may not like the new ZELLO people hogging the frequency and not living in their area
4. If you are new to Zello and talking via a gateway with repeaters then we suggest start off with a small number of channels to join or have on a one time. This way you know who is talking and get the vibe of the channel before you start talking to people.
There are a few ways to go here are a few suggestions below:
1. FREE except for license $35.00 USD 10 years – just download Zello on your phone or tablet or PC and use it that way. You will need home Wi-Fi or tether with your cell phone WIFI.
2. If you want the feel of a real radio experience then we suggest buying the KSUN ZL10 or ZL50 Zello Walkie Talkie. Both under $100 USD and work on WIFI They don’t look like a cell phone – very solid build and decent bang for your buck. Built solid and for 1 thing ZELLO! We here at SWLQSL use them and we have no complaints.
The cool thing about all this is once you are set up all you need is internet connection and you can take your device anywhere and get on. There are lots of repeaters you can join and there are GMRS – HAM radio – CB Zello channels you can join as well like ours in ZELLO – SWLQSL.COM
*NOTE: if you are in an area where you have access to a Zello enabled repeater you can also connect to the repeater with your GMRS radio – No internet required. The cool part about all this is once you get it all set up you don’t need to – Make monthly or yearly payments – your radio goes with you anywhere & with ZELLO no limits to what country your in you can make lots of friends and talk globally (As Long As You Have Internet Connection).
If you like this one and get things set up then join our ZELLO channel – and lets chat then let us know how you are going connecting to GMRS Repeaters! CJ WRYG735
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