TinyGS - Satellite Tracking Station
Our TinyGS station is temporary offline as we are updating the LORA Board!
Ok Space junkies here is an award you would be honoured to have in the books. (LEO) Low Earth Orbit Satellites: We are always finding interesting projects for SWL’s and well anyone with interest to give it a go. This project will have you setting up and launching a tiny satellite ground station.
LEO satellites are generally less costly to place as they require a great deal less rocket power to place. As compared to geosynchronous orbiting satellites at 36,000 km, LEO travel through a much denser atmosphere and thus experience far more aerodynamic drag. This means they require more power to travel at higher speeds and make corrections to maintain their lower orbits.
Commonly used for communications, military reconnaissance, spying and other imaging applications. Most of the man-made objects orbiting earth are in LEO. Satellites made for communications benefit from the lower signal propagation delay to LEO.
Check Ours Out – CLICK HERE
Check out the Award its pretty cool – to receive this from us you will need to do the following below: NOTE: If You Just Want To Build Your Own TinyGS Just Skip This Section – Go To Get Started Section!
To Receive This Award From Us You Will Need:
•To have registered as a lifetime member on www.swlqsl.com $5.99
•You need to have your call sign and profile set up on our website – here is what you need to know to get signed up – https://swlqsl.com/step-by-step/
•We need your profile listing live so it can be searched in the system so follow the steps above and set up your profile. Example: Notice this profile has a SWL call sign & GMRS call sign We look up your call sign for verification so using just any name will not work https://swlqsl.com/listing/cj-henderson-vk2021swl/
•Call sign if you are a HAM operator / GMRS operator / If you are a SWL that does not have a call sign register here for FREE www.swarl.org it usually takes about 3 weeks to receive your certificate with your call sign. NOTE: We Need To Verify Your Call Sign & Name! So the 3 types of call signs accepted here are #1 SWL #2 HAM #3 GMRS
•Your Ground Station with your call sign needs to show up in the TinyGS Website https://tinygs.com/stations – needs to have your SWLQSL profile call sign. **Check Out Ours Notice We Used Our SWL Call – Just enter our call sign – VK2021SWL – CLICK HERE
To Get Started You Will Need:
•1 LORA LillyGo T-Beam Board – CLICK HERE AliExpress needs to be the 433 MHz to be able to track satellites. $56 Australia – around $40 USA (If You Are Not Good Soldering – look for soldered one this will have everything put together for you)
• Antenna for 433MHz – 433 MHz & 2 Meter band antenna
• 1 – 18650 lithium battery or USB charger connected to the LORA
• Your Correct Longitude and Latitude – You can find here https://www.coordinatesfinder.com
We hope you like this one check out the video from Techminds on how to get started. Good Luck 73’s – VK2021SWL – WRYG735
NOTE: Once you have registered with us and created your profile listing & have your Tiny Ground Station set up with your Call sign that is used on your profile here – Send an eMail to info@swlqsl.com in the subject put (TinyGS Award) and we will verify your ground station then send you Award!
**You Will Be Added To Our TinyGS Hall Of Fame Page As Well.
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