This Radio Is Interesting – They will make you think its for HAMs Only but its for everyone interested in radio. There are FB groups – & Virtual Channels also you can do APRS & Text. The virtual channels are interesting. Well here is more info below make up your own mind:
Talkpod N58PLUS VIRTUAL AMATEUR Radio SMART LTE POC 4G Wifi Bluetooth Record GPS PTT Touch Screen Zello Android InterPhone
The Virtual Radio App That Brings All This Together Can Be Used On The Radio Or Your Android Device!
The Linkpoon is a Virtual Amateur Radio App that instantly transforms your device into a radio capable of connecting with ham radio enthusiasts worldwide. With just a few taps, you can input any virtual frequency and virtual CTCSS (PW) to chat in real-time with other operators on the same frequency. This app transcends the limitations of time and space, allowing you to connect with hams from around the globe.
By setting your call sign as your username, (Call Sign Can Be HAM – GMRS – CB – SWL) you can easily identify other operators during QSOs. The user interface and overall experience are designed to mimic traditional Amateur Radio operations, making it feel familiar to experienced hams. Additionally, the app allows you to monitor two virtual frequencies simultaneously and save your custom channel lists. When paired with N58plus, the channel knob, touchscreen, and GPS map features provide even more functionality, allowing you to easily identify your location and see how many users are on a particular channel.
In essence, the Virtual Amateur breaks through the limitations of radio power, enabling you to become a super-connected ham and make friends worldwide.
Interesting setup kind of reminds me of another service which I will not name but you can see it CLICK HERE hmmmmmmmm……
This one is interesting and if you try it or get one just comment on our DRC Facebook as we will post there as well….. 73’s CJ
NOTE: We have noticed the LinkPoon App is not available in the app store in some places – Once they update their App & Software – to put the service on your Android Device Use the 2nd APK Link for Virtual Amateur – ** This is a project in the works and when they get the bugs out this will be a great service!
You Don’t Need To Buy The Radio It Has APK File Download For Android (See Below)
Virtual Amateur APK For Android
Their FB Group Is Interesting We Joined CLICK HERE – USA Virtual Frequencies USA Channels
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