Shortwave SOTA Summits On The Air
Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award scheme for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. It was an original concept by John, G3WGV and developed with Ric, G3CWI.
SOTA has been carefully designed to make participation possible for everyone – this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits).
SOTA is now fully operational in many countries across the world, including here in Australia (Victoria VK3, ACT VK1, & South Australia VK5).
Each country has its own Association which defines the recognised SOTA summits within that Association. Each summit earns the activators and chasers a score which is related to the height of the summit.
Certificates are available for various scores, leading to the prestigious “Mountain Goat” and “Shack Sloth” trophies. An Honour Roll for Activators and Chasers is maintained at the SOTA online database.
The VK5 SOTA Association commenced on 1st October, 2012.
Ian, VK5CZ is the VK5 Association Manager.
More information on SOTA can be found on the website…..
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