VK2021SWL - WRYG735 GMRS - 43ST578 on CB - CJ
Hi Guys I created SWLQSL because I have been around radio for a long time especially shortwave and QRZ.com lets you register but will not show an SWL profile!! This amazed me because shortwave radio is the essence of HAM Radio- We pick up signals from all over the world we just can’t transmit..
I’m a USN Veteran and we built this to meet people from all over the world – people that enjoy radio on all levels.
SWLQSL allows Shortwave radio hobbyist the ability to showcase their pickups and send and collect QSL cards and awards & have a place to show them to others interested in this great hobby! Today’s SWL’s can do so much more than when I was younger.
Today we can work digital modes – compete in contests – Send and receive QSL cards globally – have a unique Shortwave call sign – we are part of the radio experience not just people that listen.
Check out my Award for launching a Tiny Ground Station Awesome!! If you have not then please look at joining our DRC (Digital Radio Club) & join us with some great projects and making contacts and friends globally.
AM CB Radio – Is part of the Shortwave band and we love the hobby. Listen out for us on LSB or AM or USB The current solar cycle is making for some good long distance communications!
Really Hope You Like What We Have Created..
** Our New 4G Network Radio Channel Is Up Please Have A Look – Remember You Need To Register Here FREE & Create A Profile To Join – CLICK HERE **
CJ Henderson VK2021SWL GMRS WRYG735 ON CB 43ST578 AKA Shortwave! See Photo Of My Base Station Running FT8 – Be Sure To Put Yours Up!
NOTE: If we send you a QSL card from our VK2021SWL – Pls reply – Check PSK Reporter For Our Log!
QSL Card Is My Furthest Pickup 20 meter band FT8 & Confirmed By PSK Reporter & EA8WU 18,691 k’s from Sydney Au – Awesome!
PS: If you came here from a CB Radio contact that we say thanks ** We are a member of ClusterDX **
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