eQSL Tips

Hi guys; We use eQSL because we have noticed it’s the only QSL card service catering to SWL’s. The other thing is they actually have awards that SWL’s can qualify for their eDX & eDX100 which you will earn a certificate for once you qualify.

Now Getting Set Up – setting up is real easy. Please click through the slides below to get tips on using the system and creating your QSL card & how to send them. We also give you tips on getting a call sign that represents your City/Country and that is recognizable for HAM operators as well.
NOTE: We think if your going to reach out to HAM operators Why Not Look Professional? We are giving you the tips we used to set up and the best thing of all you can do it all FREE or if you want to go for winning Awards on our site and with eQSl you can upgrade as a lifetime member with us www.swlqsl.com for $5.99 a one off & eQSL Bronze member for $12 a year: Under $20 investment and that is even getting a call sign included.
Check Out Slide Show Below For More Info: