About Us
We have been in radio over 30 years
We Really Enjoy Being Involved In The SWL Hobby!
Technology has made being in shortwave really exciting with apps that decode for you things like FT8/CW/PSK31/WSPR / RTTY and more, without the need of being connected to the internet, it has become a game changer. Also with the introduction of WEBSDR’s and RTLSDR the sky is the limit. Now we can actually get pictures from the ISS with a Handheld UHF/VHF radio and your mobile phone then put it on YouTube in real time so others around the world can see! Truly A Great Time To Be In SWL!

We Have Great Opportunity To Be The QRZ Of SWL!
Giving SWL'ers A Place To Showcase Their Contacts & Awards
QRZ.com is not really looking at SWL call signs as radio anymore (You can sign up add your call sign but not be listed in the lookup database) – So we decided to become the QRZ for SWL. We could not call the site SWLQRZ because QRZ means “Who’s Calling Me” so with us being a group of people that listen then we thought the appropriate name should be SWLQSL - QSL in radio stands for “I confirm receipt of your transmission” Which is exactly what we do we listen then log! So we launched SWLQSL.Com to give active SWL’s a place where: • Their call signs can be looked up – also your city and country can be seen • A page to add your Unique QSL cards that you are proud of and any certificates earned from your local club or contesting. Also any photos of your city or the equipment you are using! • Gives HAM operators a reference place to check you out when you send them a QSL card saying your heard them in your country or city. • We also bring together resources like clubs / equipment (radios and antenna’s) DX contests – Cool tools and projects to try and much more. SWL will never die; it may not be in the public’s eye like the old days but be honest how many of us feel like we won lotto when you pick up something totally incredible for your location? WE ALL DO! We really want to make the SWL fun and show that the community is alive and well!!

We write rarely, but only the best content.
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